歡迎您來到平威的音樂工作室!來這裡找音樂就對了!Come to find some music. You’re in the right place.新增服務項目:短影音製作,歡迎詢問!Short Videos for YouTube, Tiktok, Twiiter, and IG. Welcome to contact me.

Pingway’s album, “Recall”, released on medias and platforms. Go and check it out!

Download the lyric.下載歌詞

KK Box



2022 Album, “Dream Goes On”. 中英文專輯-夢想進行式

中英文歌詞pdf下載連結Download the lyrics brochure

平威10/10在衛武營的演出,Let’s Opera 武營歐普拉演唱歌劇杜蘭朵的公主徹夜未眠,在影片裡的30’左右
Pingway sang the finale, Nessun Dorma, in Let’s Opera program in WeiWyYin on Oct. tenth. You can see Pingway at around 30’’ in the clip.



德州 McLennan Community College詞曲創作與現場表演雙主修畢業的音樂人。從事音樂專業工作已經13年了,創作、編曲、製作、配樂、演唱、和音、演唱、現場演出與活動規劃都是平威的強項,您在選單裡可以聽到與看到平威的作品。
歡迎您任何時間跟平威聯絡聊一聊無論音樂或活動,想法或合作,聯絡我即可,祝您 順心如意!
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Welcome to Pingway’s music studio! If you need some music, you come to the right place. Pingway has worked as a musician, performer, producer, harmony and vocal singer for more than 13 years now. You may like to check it out from the menu to know more. Welcome you to contact Pingway at all time. Don’t hesitate to contact Pingway at all time whether you need some music, performance, activities, parties, weddings, etc. Pingway likes to work worldwide. Pingway is bilingual,English and Mandarin. Have a good day!

Visitors 訪客